Welcome to the PROBUS Club of Grimsby Website
Our Meetings and Presentations have moved while the Peach King Centre is under renovation.
The next meetings and speakers are available here
PROBUS is a local, national and international association of retired and semi-retired like minded professional people who come together to enjoy a speaker series and optional interest groups, to meet others in similar circumstances with similar interests, to make new friends and to expand their interests. PROBUS clubs are non-political, non-sectarian and non-profit. We are not involved in fundraising.
There are three types of Probus Clubs. They are Men's only, Women's only, and combined Men's and Women's Clubs.
The PROBUS Club of Grimsby is a Men's Club
You are welcome to attend as a guest at any general meeting of the Club held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Members begin to assemble at 9:30 AM for an informal social time, before the meeting is called to order at 10:00 AM. Most meetings usually conclude by 11:30 AM. Come and make new friends and listen to our interesting, diverse and intriguing speakers. You can view information about our upcoming speakers here.
For more information about attending please click on our CONTACT US page.
Why Join?
People want to stay connected, active and engaged in retirement. Probus clubs address this need and provide social events and regular group activities to foster new interests and friendships. There are also special events that take place from time to time.
Currently annual membership dues are $45.00 and are payable yearly in September. A new member will pay a one-time initiation fee of $20.00 that covers club incidentals including a name badge.
Our Meetings and Presentations have moved while the Peach King Centre is under renovation.
The next meetings and speakers are available here
PROBUS is a local, national and international association of retired and semi-retired like minded professional people who come together to enjoy a speaker series and optional interest groups, to meet others in similar circumstances with similar interests, to make new friends and to expand their interests. PROBUS clubs are non-political, non-sectarian and non-profit. We are not involved in fundraising.
There are three types of Probus Clubs. They are Men's only, Women's only, and combined Men's and Women's Clubs.
The PROBUS Club of Grimsby is a Men's Club
You are welcome to attend as a guest at any general meeting of the Club held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Members begin to assemble at 9:30 AM for an informal social time, before the meeting is called to order at 10:00 AM. Most meetings usually conclude by 11:30 AM. Come and make new friends and listen to our interesting, diverse and intriguing speakers. You can view information about our upcoming speakers here.
For more information about attending please click on our CONTACT US page.
Why Join?
People want to stay connected, active and engaged in retirement. Probus clubs address this need and provide social events and regular group activities to foster new interests and friendships. There are also special events that take place from time to time.
Currently annual membership dues are $45.00 and are payable yearly in September. A new member will pay a one-time initiation fee of $20.00 that covers club incidentals including a name badge.
Meeting Location
The Grimsby Peach King Centre, Auditorium - 2nd floor, 162 Livingston Ave, Grimsby, ON. L3M-5P7 Come in the main doors and take the stairs to the upper level meeting room. An elevator is available nearby for those who wish to use it. There is plenty of free parking surrounding the centre. |